INTERVIEW - Animal Confession (RBC Bluesfest 2018 Series)


Ottawa's Animal Confession recently out a new album, and have been heating up ever since! Check out the interview we did with Andrew Gharib, the bands lead singer and guitarist!

How long has your group been together?

We started out back in 2011, and had a full lineup in 2012 just before releasing our first record. 


Describe the sound of your music.

I guess you could say we're a hard rock band that likes to experiment a little bit in more ambient type of sounds.  We've been influenced by a wide variety of bands, such as Tool, The Cure, Pink Floyd, and Muse. 


Have you released any new material recently? If not, do you have anything on the way?

We released our 2nd LP "Age Of Today" back in April of this year. We've been having a great time taking these songs on the road! We've started to write just a little bit in recent weeks, but our main focus is pushing this record. Once the year winds down, we'll probably start writing some new material. 


It's going be a hot and sweaty festival, once again! How do you plan on keeping cool while on stage?

 Yes it is! I'm a festival junkie, so lots of water, lots of towels, did I mention water? Proper clothing should help too, but it'll be a hot summer day so we'll just have to go with it. 


What are your group's plans for the rest of the summer?

After RBC Bluesfest we're taking a few weeks off to relax, then we're back at it in September with Voodoo Rockfest in Napanee and a few more out of town shows that aren't yet announced, including Toronto. Toward the end of the year we'll probably start jamming out some new tunes. 



What local artists are you listening to right now that other people should check out? many amazing local artists to choose from in this city in multiples genres of music. Quiet crimes, Amos the transparent, Fools of love, Cevilain, The dead centuries...all bands definitely to check out. 


Where can people find you online? and the usual social media, we post a lot on instagram and facebook.

Adam Moore